Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

Uza Drupal Kria website

DRUPAL, mak pakote software gratuitu nebe bele halo ema ida individu ka grupu atu manaze, organiza no halo publikasaun konteudu pazina web ida iha internet. Agora dadaun 10 miliaun ema no organizasaun barak mak uza ona drupal atu kria sira nia pazina web nebe dinamis inklui mos hau rasik…he..he…!!!
” Goodbye WordPress Welcome Drupal ” karik liafuan ne los tanba komunidade open source barak mak husik ona WordPress no muda ba Drupal. Iha neba sira hotu tau hamutuk opiniaun hodi kria pazina web nebe dinamis ho nia kodigu hotu opensource.
Drupal rasik prepara score nebe mak diferente iha pazina website ida mak hanesan:
*. Discussion sites
*. Corporate web sites
*. Intranet applications
*. Personal web sites or blogs
*. Aficionado sites
*. E-commerce applications
*. Resource directories
*. Social Networking sites
Alen de ne, Drupal mos prepara modulo ho feature nebe mak diferente hanesan:
*. Electronic commerce
*. Blogs
*. Collaborative authoring environments
*. Forums
*. Peer-to-peer networking
*. Newsletters
*. Podcasting
*. Picture galleries
*. File uploads and downloads
*. No barak tan.
Instalasaun Drupal
Iha ne hau se fo deit maneira oinsa atu install Drupal iha ita nia Sistema Operasaun Linux, karik ba imi sira nebe mak uza Windows, entaun I’m Sorry deit. Antes atu uza Drupal, ita presija download drupal. Atu download Drupal ho nia versaun 6-19 ita bele Klik Iha Ne no save iha Desktop. Depois de download file ne keta haluha atu extract file ne.
*. Loke Terminal
*. Tama ba iha /home/yourloginname/Desktop
cd /home/yourloginname/Desktop
*. Extract file ne ho kodigu:
tar xzvf drupal-6.19.tar.gz
*. Iha Desktop sei mosu folder foun drupal ho naran drupal-6.19 (laiha tar.gz) no keta haluha atu permisaun ba folder Drupal ne.
Depois de extract file ne, keta haluha muda folder Drupal ne ba iha folder /var/www. Iha folder /var/www nia laran, ita troka tiha naran (rename) drupal-6.19 ba teste_drupal (ne ezemplu deit, ita bele koko naran seluk tuir ita nia hakarak).
Agora ba iha brower hakerek http://localhost/teste_drupal no sei mosu imazen

*. Klik ” Install Drupal in English ” e depois sei mosu imazen hanesan tuir mai:

*. Se kuandu mosu imazen ne ita presija loke fali folder /var/www/teste_drupal/sites/default. Iha folder ne nia laran ita presija halao kopia file default.settings.php no sei mosu file foun ho naran default (copy).settings.php. Depois troka tiha naran(rename) file default(copy).settings.php ba settings.php. Ita mos presija kria folder ida iha /sites/default nia laran ho naran files no keta haluha atu fo mos full permisaun ba file settings.php no folder files. Mas se kuando folder ne iha ona, ita la presija tan atu kria. OK amigo….!!! Continua.
*. Klik Save and continue
Se kuando susesu sei mosu imazen ne:

Iha ne ita presija kria database name, database username, no database password ba Drupal. Keta haluha antes atu halao instalasaun ba drupal, ita bo’ot install tiha ona mysql-server iha ita nia komputador Linux. Tuir mai ita hakat tan ba oin, kria database name, database username no database password iha MySQL. Huhuuiii….manas tan deit !
*. Loke Terminal
*. Hakarek : mysql -u root -p (ne ita halo koneksaun ba mysql ho usuario root)
*. Sei iha password bele hatama, se laiha sei mosu koneksaun ba mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE testedrupal; (ENTER)
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.34 sec)
*. Query OK signifika ita kria ona database name ho naran testedrupal
*.Tuir mai ita kria database username ho database password
mysql>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO testedrupal@localhost (ENTER)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
*. Se mosu Query OK signifika ita kria tan ona Database name ho naran testedrupal no Database password mak 1234.
*. Agora ita bele prense dadus iha broser ne. Prense Database name ho naran testedrupal, Database username testedrupal no Database password mak 1234.
*. Klik Save and Continue
Se susesu sei mosu imazen

Iha box Site name : localhost
Site E-mail address : bele tau ita email
Adminstrasaun Acount
Hakerek ita nia naran (konforme ita nia hakarak, no importante tebes atu la bele haluha User name no password ne)
User name : testedrupal
password: 1234
*. Klik Save and Continue
Se kuando susesu sei mosu imazen

Parabens ba ita bo’ot tanba konsege install ona drupal iha ita nia makina Linux. Ita hetan valor 100, he..he..!!
Tuir mai taka tiha ita nia broser no loke fali depois hakerek:
no sei mosu imazen

Informasaun hotu kona ba oinsa atu manaze no organiza ita nia konteudo ba pazina web existe iha Administer nia laran. Iha neba ita bele hetan informasaun kona ba Content, Theme, Comment, Module, Information Site, Performance, no seluk-seluk tan. Mak ne deit amigo informasaun hotu kona ba DRUPAL. Uza Drupal no koko atu familiar ho nia.

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